After putting on a great Holiday in The Park event, there was a lot of work to be done for Discovery Kingdom to return to it’s normal form. Fortunately, the park has been working hard to accomplish this, and is doing a good job.
Most major decorations have been put away, including a complete re-transformation of Candy Cane Lane, Christmas Tree Forest, and Toy land.
Some of the old Christmas trees from Christmas Tree Forest are now in the habitat to increase behavioral enrichment. Very cool of the park to reuse old props in a positive way.
The sledding area behind Toyota stadium has been blocked off to let the snow melt. Strangely, there is still a lot of snow there many weeks later!
The rest of the area behind Toyota Stadium still has all of it’s lights hung up.
Leftover lights seem to be the only things left from the event.
Many of the bushes and trees throughout the park are still covered in lights. For some reason, many of them are still left on at night. Not quite sure why the park does that. The same counts for Six Flags Magic Mountain’s tree-lights at the front of the park!

There are advertisements around the park for the year round operating season, and Dare Devil Chaos ( Not a) Coaster. Dare Devil Chaos Coaster is now listed to be opened this summer, rather than the spring. Interesting, many state fairs can set these attractions up in a few days.

Aside from some old lights, you really wouldn’t know they even had a Holiday in The Park event this year. The really have cleaned up almost everything. Moving along, let’s see what’s going on in the park aside from that.
The most obvious thing, Superman: Ultimate Flight is closed for annual maintenance. What frustrates us, is that when we stopped by in the morning, an employee was telling a guest it would open later that day, despite the fact it won’t reopen for a month or so. The employee was clearly uninformed, and thus falsely informed guests about the park’s star attraction. C’mon this is something that all the staff should’ve been aware of! 
Kong was only running one train, and looking as photogenic as ever.
Roar is continuing it’s two train operations. Unfortunately, the recent re-tracking it had is starting to become less and less apparent. Hopefully they can do some work on it soon. Let Six Flags send some money to Cali for it’s CGIs, both Apocalypse and Roar could use some serious love! ;D
We didn’t grab a picture of it because loose articles are not allowed in the station, but one of Roar’s trains is getting very beat up and could use a refurbishment. The restraints have rather large chunks just missing. We hope to soon see the new generation CGI restraints being added to the Roar trains, like one of Apocalypse’s (SFMM) rows already has.
Speaking of refurbishing trains, Medusa’s third train seems to be getting worked on extensively while the other two are running. Many parts of the train have been removed, including some restraints.

Also, something neat to point out, B&M’s storage track is pretty unique. The up-stop, side friction, and running wheels stay completely off the track while in the transfer track, extended the lifetime of the wheels due to lack of stress. The train instead rests on a different set of wheels used exclusively for the transfer track.
The Butterfly Exhibit was closed.
Moving to the back half of the park, Boomerang and Ark have both reopened, after receiving some maintenance.

Tazmanian Devil however, remains closed, along with White Water Safari.

The Tiger Cubs the park recently received are no longer in the nursery, they are now featured in the show at Odin’s Temple. To read more about them, click here.
Speaking of shows, there are a decent number of shows running throughout January. Though in the summer season there are at least twice as many shows, and 3 more stadiums that are in full use then. 
We stopped by Drench! and were happy to see such a high-quality show running in the off season. Despite the low attendance to the park, the stadium was almost full due to it’s popularity!
At this point we just have accepted the fact that Tsunami Soaker will stay
open no matter what time of year, and it was not warm out there. 

Monsoon Falls was open for a good period of time, but ended up closing at
about three o’clock.

Sea Lion Stadium has been closed for some time and is undergoing some
serious construction. We’ll have news of the future plans for the stadium and its show, soon! Looking at the construction, it seems as if they’re creating a new decor for a future show!

If you look closely, one of the Vans on the construction site featured the
Lynco Associates logo. For those who are not aware, Lynco Associates does
work generally involving concrete and has worked with Discovery Kingdom in
the past. We can then expect Sea Lion Stadium to reopen with new concrete
work done as well. 
Loony Tunes ACME Fun Factory is closed for annual maintenance.
It actually looks like they are using it to store Holiday in The park
That’s about it for this update. The park is generally empty in January so
we encourage you stop by. They are also running Pink For The Cure, these
next five weeks. If you’d like to read about that click here. Otherwise,
here’s the Six Flags Magic Mountain Update from the same day!