It was time for another ride on Twisted Colossus, and there was enough around the park to report on! It was crazy hot out, and the crowds were minimal. We’ve got some Revolution… Riddler’s Revenge, Batman The Ride, Ninja, Apocalypse and more!
– Recently our images have popped up on other sites and forums, awesome that our coverage spreads, not so awesome that no one mentioned where they got the images from. We are totally fine with our audience using our images, BUT ONLY IF credit is given to Thank you! –
Let’s start right next to Tatsu, where a new game has been placed. It’s likely a soccer kind of game, hence the fence and the grass-like floor.
Over at several rides, like Scream! and Gold Rusher, a new ‘Got Milk’ advertisement can be found in a height-measuring straw coming out of a glass of… well, milk…
Since Saturday, the shows in the park now run daily. Looney Tunes kids club and Full Throttle Nights that is… because Kwerk’s originally announced show-times are to be totally disregarded, another week of no weekday shows, it’ll run again on Saturday… – Kwerk will start its Thursday- Monday 2:00, 3:30, 5:30, 7:00 shows next week! (June 25th).
Lex Luthor was running great, Superman: Escape From Krypton of course ran one train. Kind of weird how it ran two trains for a day a few weeks back, and now we’re back to just the green train.
It was made impossible to get to the Tidal Wave station, the entire line was flooded, and badly. My feet were seriously underwater in this never ending river. Fun preshow for Tidal Wave, where you get more wet making your way through the line, than you do on the ride…
Ninja is still down to one train, of course. Nonetheless, it was also dispatching very slowly. The top of the Mountain, Samurai Summit, is NOT The place to be with long Ninja and Superman lines, and a non-operating Sky Tower. I do truly advise you stay away from Samurai Summit, an check out all other rides first.
Except for Riddler’s Revenge, because it’s running one train, and the lines are pretty long. I was hoping that it’d be back to two trains now the summer really kicked off. But, oh well… Same for Batman The Ride, surprisingly. It was running one train today, and the line was over an hour at one point. Sad, as Twisted Colossus’ line was about 30-45 minutes (or even less) all day.
But thank Six Flags Magic Mountain for FINALLY returning to two-train operations on Apocalypse! Making the line only 20 minutes long! The second train that has returned has brand new restraints, that have the new GCI lapbars (the round ones fitting around the waist) with some sort of foot-guard, or ankle-guard. It’s a bit strange as it doesn’t seem to make that much of a difference for guests’ safety. A lot of wood is being replaced lately as well, there’s tons of wood stored behind the ride. The ride is rougher than rough in the non-refurbished train. The newly refurbished train reduces that to a shaky experience. Literally, pretty much, everything has been replaced on the refurbished train over the last 4-5 months. It feels BRAND new. Nonetheless, Roar at Discovery Kingdom still feels smoother currently, and perhaps even smoother in the near future
There’s a cool light package on Swashbuckler, that will soon reopen! And across the road, Goliath’s chain is being placed, the last reopen date for Goliath I’ve heard was June 25th, in any way, it’s expected to reopen before July hits.
And then there was Revolution… On Friday a 10 year old girl returned to the station unconscious, she was airlifted to a near-by hospital. She was then transferred to Cedars-Sinai, where she passed away. The death seemed to be unrelated to Revolution in the end. And though the park temporarily closed Revolution right after the news of her death, it has now reopened. And the brakes, they seemed to have been adjusted as the train comes to a near-complete stop on several of its brakes. Our thoughts nonetheless, are with the family of the 10 year-old girl Jasmine Martinez’ family.
Thanks for checking out this Six Flags Magic Mountain Update!
Here are a few popular new park updates:
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Is here any way to tell which Apocalypse train is the newly refurbished one? Would like to time it so we get that one :/
Yes, the one with all black restraints is newly refurbished, the one with orange restraints is the one you’d want to avoid.
Why don’t they just take off the over shoulders already that’s most likely why she went unconscious cause of head banging
Her death was from a pre-existing medical condition.
Indeed, hence the ‘unrelated to Revolution’ phrase.
Today (Sunday June 21st) has been a bad day for Twisted Colossus. Been in line for over 2.5hrs and it has broken down twice, each time for almost 30min each. So far, I am unimpressed with a new ride breaking down so easily. I am near the front so while we could leave the line, having to wait another hour after being so close isn’t worth it. Is there anything they can do to for guests that just sit and wait and wait? I feel like they should hand out passes or something that helps keep the moral up.
I must agree, I’ve been in that position too, where I sat downs in line for more than hour for operations to continue. I was rather frustrated of course. I understand that the park is doing everything in their power to speed things up and get TC running as soon as they can, nonetheless, it takes away a lot of time that guests could’ve spent doing other things at the park, and some sort of exit-passes, or return-passes, would’ve been an appropriate solution. Totally agreed!
We ended up leaving the line for lunch. 3hrs is not worth it when ride time is unknown. Rather come back later and try. It would be nice if they would learn from Disney when rides have major problems as they hand out passes. While yes they would have to give one to everyone, that would be better so they could empty the entire line while they work on it and each set of tickets have a return time. It would mean better business. Anyway, time for lunch an other “working” rides lol. At least I got to ride TC during the special gold pass event lol.
So get this…we come back and get in line at the end of the day to ride TC and in the same exact spot we were in last time it breaks down again. I am pretty upset. And to make matters worse I realized my expensive sunglasses had fallen off me while in line and they were already gone by the time I walked back to there had probably fallen. This breaking down on a busy day is not good for business. I think they need to do more maintenance to keep it running smoothly.