Six Flags Magic Mountain hosted a Media Event for The New Revolution today, and it was beyond marvelous to ride this lovely coaster again, and without the painful OTSRs! Not to forget we also experienced The New Revolution VR (Virtual Reality) experience. Join us as we take a look around the new station, entrance, and line, as well as in-depth discuss the new trains and VR experience! (Including videos).
– Recently our images have popped up on other sites and forums, awesome that our coverage spreads, not so awesome that no one mentioned where they got the images from. We are totally fine with our audience using our images, BUT ONLY IF credit is given to Thank you! –
The day has come that we no longer have to look at this loop without being able to ride! Well, sort of… there’s a bit of information regarding The New Revolution that I should start off with: The New Revolution is intermittently opened for Season Pass Holders, starting tomorrow (March 26th), to attend a Season Pass Holder Preview, you need either a Six Flags Magic Mountain Season Pass or Membership, then sign up here. For those of you that do not have a pass or membership and aren’t planning on buying one or visiting any of the previews: The New Revolution opens to the public on April 21st! 😀 Now… let’s move on to the ride! Well, let’s get started with some of the landscaping found in front of the ride. They did a very nice job dressing the area with plenty of vegetation and flowers.
The fence around the helix has also been finalized with The New Revolution’s logo as art work in the fence, as well as a fresh black coat of paint.
The landscaping in the Helix here is about the only thing that has yet to be completed on the ride. Other than that, everything looks perfect! (Hence the black plastic buckets).
Turns out the awesome sign that’s hidden in the landscape is actually filled with gravel, turned out great! At night, there are floodlights lighting it up.
Below we find the first sign over at the line, which is a very descriptive sign explaining everyone how the procedure of picking up, adjusting, and calibrating your headset goes. It’s very useful they have these directions up for guests to familiarize themselves with, to speed up the process and not drag down capacity drastically much. I haven’t seen it elsewhere in line, but I hope they add some more. Since many people will pass by this sign if the line isn’t too long.
AHH!!! More cool signs!
Here’s a look at the refurbished line going up the hill to the station. Lots of new landscaping and paint. Overall it looks great!
Here’s another look at the ride’s sign on the bridge, for those who didn’t see our previous tour report.
Here’s the back side of the bridge, as seen from the station. Keep in mind that the bridge exists out of three separate lanes, one is the regular line, the second for Flash Pass, and the third is the ADA entrance.
To my surprise there are several signs around the ride (this one’s on the bridge) stating that VR is only available to those older than 13. So be aware if you’re taking children, they may not be able to use the VR headsets. Nonetheless, the ride is still great without. 🙂
Let’s take a look inside the station! This right here is at the end of the bridge, where guests will pick up their VR headsets and get them adjusted. Then they take them off and put them back on once they’re seated in the train, to then calibrate them and enjoy the ride.
Here’s the repainted station with the new numbers above each row, as well as new signs, lights, and speakers.
Such as this #REVUP sign one of the three in the station.
Oh and here’s one of the speakers I was talking about. I was told there would be a custom soundtrack or some sort of special music coming to the queue and station. They didn’t play any during the media event with all the filming, but I can’t wait to hear it soon! IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ROW 1: VR Headsets can not be calibrated in Row 1, thus Row 1 is only available to guests riding WITHOUT VR. Every other row is still optional, of course.
Here’s another #REVUP sign that’s below the boxes where guests are expected to store their belongings while riding. Once guests get off that will also be the location where they will turn in their VR headsets. A cool thing to note, the new exit gate is also an air-gate, and rather than operators having to check if the gate is closed, or closing it manually, it’s all controlled now.
This is the opposite side of the station, with the completed operating booth. This is the view one would see walking up to the exit. The station looks wonderful!
For those that need to access the ride through the ADA Entrance, it’s located next to Chop Six in Baja Ridge, signs will lead you there. They may be a tad hard to see, so look out for them in case you’re confused as to where to go. You can always ask staff members near by as well.
Here’s a look at the freshly refurbished entrance to the ride, from the bridge that leads into the station.
Another look at the refurbished line with all the new landscaping. Looks so much better than the hill did last year for example. It was a much needed upgrade, and the ride definitely deserved it!
Even the landscaping at the exit of the ride is looking great.
This exit path leads back to the entry plaza of the ride, unlike a set of stairs guests can take up to X2 and Viper, as well as Tatsu.
But now… let’s start talking about the ride experience! First off, there are a lot of opinions out there that really do not matter, because for some odd reason people all over the web and the theme park community have their opinions ready regarding VR, even though they haven’t actually experienced it. Having said that, it’s important to notice that across the community that HAS ridden the new Six Flags VR coasters, as well as the few in Europe, the reactions are almost uniformly positive about the experience. So before I go into talking about my experience, please make sure to give it a shot, I’m positive you’ll really like it.
The VR experience is great! Once you sit down, you’ll look straight ahead to a QR code type sticker on the seat in front of you, the Samsung device scans it, and will know exactly what seat you’re in to perfectly match the forces you’re subjected to at the perfect time. After which the train leaves and you get to shoot at targets on the lift hill. Making this experience interactive as well. Once on top of the lift that feature is turned off and you get to enjoy the many drops and turns on The New Revolution. You’re in a fighter yet fighting off aliens while flying through a metropolitan-like city. I’m not going to give everything away, but there’s one very important something I’d like to add: the slower, or bland, moments on the ride are perfect in VR by being visually stunning, creating a more exciting experience on elements that wouldn’t have been as exciting usually. The VR is not nauseating as many people expected, so if that’s something you fear, do not be afraid! Here’s a video of me, Sean, riding The New Revolution with VR (Please be aware of the delay on the VR side, for some odd reason they did not line that up correctly before handing it to me, there’s a few seconds delay.):
Moving on to the ride experience outside of the realm of the VR headset. The ride’s new trains are essentially recreated versions of older trains, with new (modern) seat formations. The seats are thus more comfortable, in addition to which there are no more Over The Shoulder Restraints, which make the experience a very smooth one. No more ‘headbanging’, and the ride just feel very natural. The way it was always meant to be. The track development back in the 70s was obviously not nearly as advanced as it is today, so the train still shakes from side to side a bit (due to the track) but it’s hardly noticeable with just the lap bars. IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ROW 1: VR Headsets can not be calibrated in Row 1, thus Row 1 is only available to guests riding WITHOUT VR. The VR is still optional, so you can ride any row without VR. Here’s the video of California Coaster Kings Owner and Manager, Sean, riding without the VR headset:
The only thing I wish was removed are the brakes. Especially the one coming out of the tunnel, it quickly slams the train to a slower speed and is uncomfortable, after which the train slowly rolls through the remainder of the course. There was a lot of potential of the ride having more speed towards the end, but it’s pretty much the same as it has been for the past years. There’s currently one train on the tracks, the one that will be used for the Season Pass Previews, the second train will be ready to go by opening on April 21st!
Overall, I’m incredibly pleased with the product. The ride is smooth, it’s quieter, it looks fresh with the complete repaint, the station and entrance look fantastic, and the VR is just an outstanding feature. This coaster opened as the first coaster in the world to successfully bring riders through a 360′ degrees Vertical Loop, today this magnificent coaster is almost 40 years old, has been returned to its original glory, with a brand new feature (VR) making it one of the world’s most revolutionary rides once again!
Make sure to visit Six Flags Magic Mountain this year and check out The New Revolution! 😀 Lastly, here’s The New Revolution in action, thanks to Six Flags Magic Mountain for providing us with this footage!
Thank you for checking out our report regarding The New Revolution! It truly is a maginificent experience, both with our without the VR headset! Check out our full Ride Review of Six Flags Magic Mountain’s previous hit attraction: Twisted Colossus!
We also went live with two more new updates this weekend! A brand new JOKER Update, and a California’s Great America 2016 Opening Day update!
Leave a comment with your thoughts below, and make sure to follow us on our social media for exclusive coverage! Facebook–Twitter–Instagram
On a cool note, related to new rides opening, and media events… one of our European crew members was at the media event and opening of Walibi Holland’s fantastic new Mack coaster: Lost Gravity!
Head over to European Coaster Kings and check out our report!
Quick question. If I reserved a time to ride, am I guaranteed 100% to ride during that time? And also, can I ride as many times as I want in that time slot, or only once? Is there a line?
Though there may always be technical difficulties, you should indeed be able to get on during that time. Depending on how busy it is, or the policies they may have, you may able to ride multiple times. This though is not guaranteed. There will be a short line, most likely, since they only operate one train, and VR calibration and operation will be slower than without.
Okay, thanks. I’d like to ride at least one with VR and one without. From the videos I’ve seen it looks really cool! Can’t wait.