Spring has sprung at Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli Gardens is one of those parks which changes upon the seasons. The park can look completely different depending on whether you visit in spring, summer, autumn or winter. Tivoli has recently reopened for the 2022 season and the park couldn’t look more decked out for spring. There are beautiful flower beds all over the park and the cherry blossom is looking more vibrant than ever before. Fountains dance on the lakes and the crowds are out in full in the spring sunshine. Today we will take a look at the latest additions to the park and everything that caught my eye during my day at Tivoli.

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Cologne Spring Funfair has returned!

After 2 years of cancellations due to the pandemic, the spring funfair and festival in Cologne has come back and the event couldn’t be more popular with the public. Not only is it a perfect location for meeting friends and getting together for a drink, it’s also filled with food stalls, game stalls- and most importantly for us- rides and attractions! There’s even a brand new ride which is making its world premiere as well as a rollercoaster! So join me as I take you through the details of the exciting event this year and if you’re feeling extra adventurous- why not visit yourself? You’ve got until 1st May!

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Legoland Billund- The Original Park Keeps Going Strong

Did you know that Legoland Billund is the world’s original Lego park? If not, now you sure do! Therefore Legoland Billund houses a lot of the original Lego attractions- such as the original Dragon rollercoaster. Emma and I headed out to Legoland Billund to explore the park and see what’s new. It was my first time, however Emma has already visited the park- you can read her take on the park here.

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Carowinds Opening Weekend

In the Midwest and eastern U.S. we are always excited for the reopening of our seasonal parks and the start of another coaster season. Among the parks with the earliest season opening is Carowinds. So on March 11th my friend Pete and I made the trek from central Ohio to this unique Cedar Fair Park. We arrived very late on Friday night and went to bed with visions of Fury 325 in our dreams.

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Rise of Fønix at Fårup Sommerland

Rising from the ashes, Fønix at Fårup Sommerland spread its wings for the first-time last week. We kindly got invited by the park to experience the ride and have a look behind the scenes. What a new addition for the park and Europe! Read more about our experience and discover the whole park and its cute atmosphere, including the other major coaster: Orkanen and Lynet.

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