We continue our frequent Joker coverage with yet another update! It’s only been a week since our last update, but an entire element has been finished, and half a new element has already been placed. As well as some other noteworthy changes to the ride’s construction. It sure was a wonderful day for Joker pics, here’s our wonderful Joker update!
– Recently our images have popped up on other sites and forums, awesome that our coverage spreads, not so awesome that no one mentioned where they got the images from. We are totally fine with our audience using our images, BUT ONLY IF credit is given to californiacoasterkings.com. Thank you! –
The park’s about to open, and there we spot some breaking-wave turn track placement! Oh and that good looking V2, of course.But before we get there, let’s take another look at the Step-Up Under Flip, which was completed last week. It sure looks intense.
But! The original structure has received an additional wooden structure, to support the element that will likely put a lot more stress on the supports than it used to.
Here’s a look at it from the side. Note that the original structure peaked at the top, the new one, which was added to it this week, is completely vertical.
Let’s move to the other side of the ride’s footprint. The station’s side, where we have another look at the turn that returns to the station.
That turn should give a good view of the Zero-G-Stall and Breaking Wave turn, the two elements we’ll be focussing on next. (Or unfocus, since my camera focused on the tree branches instead in the next pic…). Here’s the completed Zero-G-Stall from the side at which the ride enters the element.
Here’s a better look at the completed element! It’s tall, though significantly less tall than the Step-Up Under Flip, making me believe this version of the Zero-G-Stall will be filled with floater and a nice amount of speed.
After the Zero-G-Stall, riders will venture into the Breaking Wave Turn, which they were constructing today!
If you look closely, this image should give you a good idea of how far outward the first hop in the element is actually banked.
After the banked hop, the train will roll through the rest of the element, which will be heavily inward banked. The beginning of which was being constructed here.
You can nicely see the banking going from outward to inward to then approach the highest point of the element.
Here’s the first hop of the Breaking Wave! I feel this element will feel like the green side of the Twisted Colossus High-5 element. Lots of quick twisting.
Some more track-pacing action!
But back to the hop! Here’s a look at it from the other side, from V2!
And it provides a great angle to see the quick transition of banking in the element! 😀
The element preceding the Breaking Wave is the Zero-G-Stall, as we mentioned before. The element, though completed is not entirely connected to the Breaking Wave yet.
There’s only a tiny bit of track that still needs to be placed to connect the two elements.
For a good overall shot of the element, here it is:
At first the entire green-purple-gray-brown combination sounded off to me. But looking at the main elements here, that are inversions, in one shot… it becomes clear that it actually looks very nice. Note the Step-Up Under Flip in the back!
And here the Step-Up Under Flip is again… in the back. In front of which, the brake-run still seems to remain unchanged since they added the beams a long time ago.
We have to admit that the crazy element RMC prefers to just call Upward Roll looks absolutely stunning. Just like pretty much the entirety of the rest of the ride!
Bolts and screws, and all other sorts of materials used to create this masterpiece are located and organized right besides the construction zone!
That was about it for this week’s Joker Update! A lot has happened, and the ride looks fantastic already. Don’t forget we’re your number 1 site for the Joker updates! Here’s the Joker in a truly Californian fashion… with palm trees and Superman: Ultimate Flight. Speaking of which our regular Six Flags Discovery Kingdom update will also be posted soon, lots of coaster news in there too! Stay tuned!
Thank you very much for checking out this Joker Update! Please make sure to come back soon for way more Joker, and check out our brand new Six Flags Discovery Kingdom Update from the same day!
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With new Ferrari Land Updates, Heidi The Ride Update, and a brand new Black Mamba Ride Review! (More updates later this weekend!)
are the stalls on bot TC and Joker roughly the same size? It’s kind of hard to get a good size comparison in these photos :/