Speaking of the canopy taking shape, there’s a lot more of it than just two weeks ago! Supports connecting the canopy with the surrounding infrastructure are also in place.
Here’s a closer look at the track covers, as well as the new footer that will likely be attached to a cable of sorts:
The hill up into the first set of mid-course brakes is now completely covered in plastic wrap, and the supports are being wrapped up as well.
Canopy pieces are still actively being produced on site. I really wonder what the blue prints for this complicated architectural marvel looks like.
The building’s last remaining exposed walls (entrance and exit) are now being covered up. In Shanghai, the ride’s gift shop is located where this wall below is being constructed. I am not sure if there will be a ride specific gift shop for the Walt Disney World version, or if they expect to use the Space Mountain gift shop to serve double duty.
Now construction is clear on the way and some parts of the construction zone have been cleared out, you can get a closer look at the launch track! The launch track runs directly below the ride’s entrance and can be seen here:
I will end this TRON Lightcycle / Run construction update with this dramatic shot of Tomorrowland that I captured as a storm rolled in. Here’s to a dramatic surprise that we will hopefully still see TRON open in 2021.
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