Another small period has passed, and we figured it’d be time for another New Revolution Update! There really isn’t a whole lot to update on regarding The New Revolution at Six Flags Magic Mountain, thus it’ll be a quick update! Holiday in the park also started, we’ll touch on that a little bit later!
– Recently our images have popped up on other sites and forums, awesome that our coverage spreads, not so awesome that no one mentioned where they got the images from. We are totally fine with our audience using our images, BUT ONLY IF credit is given to Thank you! –
Let’s start with the brand new photo-op located in the Main Plaza. One of the original Revolution cars has been repainted and undone from it’s restraints, and placed near the Cyber Cafe.
Behind the bridge, from this stand point, there is quite some machinery working on the entrance to the ride. The bridge itself remains untouched since they’ve taken out the hand-rails.
The station is being cleared out it seems. It’s looking very empty inside. I hope to see new cubbies when the ride reopens. I’m also curious to see the new paint around the station. Keep in mind the ride itself is to receive some sort of blue and white paint-scheme. As released here. It’ll be interesting to see the repaint. The exit path remains the same since it’s been taken out. They’re clearing the same route of branches that were cut off and were laying in the area. Presumably the path will be rebuilt there. Maybe we’ll see an on-ride photo booth there. But then again, Twisted Colossus was supposed to have an on-ride photo system, so we never truly know.
A lot is being destructed in the entrance area of the ride. Containers filled with branches, wood, and other materials from the plaza are filling up at a nice rate.
Right above/next to the containers we find two trains on the tracks. The forward train is located on the storage track. The backwards train, that the park’s been running tests with (backwards) the past few weeks is located on the brake-run before the station. The backwards positioned train contains a few new seat molds that are being used on the new train. There’s a definite suspicion that the park is looking into running it backwards each year. This though, is in no way confirmed.
The tree removal hasn’t continued too much. But with the fall weather finally hitting Southern California, the area the ride is located in looks very open.
Gives a nice look of Tatsu nonetheless!
This was about it for this quick little New Revolution Update. Here’s some Tatsu love to wrap it up. Hopefully we’ll soon see a repaint for this beauty!
Thanks for checking out this update, make sure to read our latest Six Flags Magic Mountain and New Revolution Update for more New Revolution things we didn’t discuss, and some more general Six Flags Magic Mountain updating! Our new JOKER Update can be found here!
Our SEASON OF THE FORCE at Disneyland Update is also LIVE! Click the image below to be redirected!
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Tatsu will be 10 years old next year, believe it or not. A new paint job would be nice. How nice it will be to get on Revolution and ride it like Anton intended.
Maybe now that Colossus is gone they can run another classic backwards for Halloween ;P .
You’re thinking what I’m thinking
You forgot to add that you bumped into the best guy ever this day! Haha and they are talking about revolution running backwards. I’m sure it’ll happen