We’ve got a few exciting new things to share with you since our update last weekend! While we welcomed new raptors to the entrance plaza last week, we’ve now got a ride marquee (entrance/sign) as well as active water features. In this update we’ll also look at changes added to Wizarding World of Harry Potter to hide the new Jurassic World coaster.
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We’ll start off with the biggest new changes, which are entry-plaza landscaping, a marquee at the ride entrance, as well as the testing of water features in the first half of the ride. From our understanding, the queue for Jurassic World: VelociCoaster will pass by lockers as part f the queue experience, these lockers can then be opened from the opposite side as riders exit. This will help with not making locker areas over crowded, which is often the case for rides like Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure, The Incredible Hulk, Revenge of the Mummy and Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit.
The project is trucking right along now, with multi-train testing having started. New on this gorgeous day is the entrance to the coaster. We find more palm trees, and a sign with the ride logo. While the marquee is slightly hard to see with the new palm trees added to the plaza, the dedication to vegetation is awesome. The ride’s logo is surrounded by two raptor statues that were added last week. The word “VelociCoaster” has claw marks, much like the fronts of the trains do. Here’s a better look at the marquee! One last look! What’s also stunning is the Jurassic Park side of the ride plot, where the construction walls have been taken down. The ride’s show building is nicely obscured by vegetation, making for a nice transition between the Jurassic World and Jurassic Park aesthetics. Something I got very excited about is the water features on VelociCoaster! The first half of the coaster takes place in the velociraptor paddocks, which features rockwork, waterfalls, and velociraptors. Excited! Isn’t VelociCoaster just stunning? From across the lagoon you get to appreciate the amount of lights that have been added to the walkways around the entry plaza. I expect those to be a mix of overflow queue and observation areas. The patios for the Three Broomsticks and Hog’s Head Pub have been closed for a few weeks. That’s because these are the only areas within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter-Hogsmeade where VelociCoaster is very visible. The patios are being covered up with faux-vegetation to help obscure the coaster. I am not a big fan of how it looks right now, but I’m hopeful they get this looking better soon. Not a lot more to update you on today! I will throw in a Hulk picture!
Below, enjoy a quick look at our update from last week that featured new raptors as well as a collection of long exposure shots. Use the button below these images to read that update in full!
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