We were at Six Flags Magic Mountain earlier this week for a backstage New Revolution tour! We’re back to show you the changes made over the past few days, which are surprisingly many after only a few day! In this update we’re also throwing in tiny bits and pieces of surrounding rides and upgrades corresponding to the New Revolution!
– Recently our images have popped up on other sites and forums, awesome that our coverage spreads, not so awesome that no one mentioned where they got the images from. We are totally fine with our audience using our images, BUT ONLY IF credit is given to californiacoasterkings.com. Thank you! –
Let’s start off with the Cyber Cafe being repainted, a red similar to that found on the New Revolution station can also be found on the Cyber Cafe. The Cyber Cafe will be turned into the Plaza Cafe for The New Revolution! The little bandstand across from the Cyber Cafe is also about to receive a repaint and refurbishment, it’ll be used for daily entertainment this summer!
Besides the blue supports, I’m also spotting… more blue and white over at the Helpful Honda Express!
They finished off most of the painting now at the Six Flags Plaza station.
On top of the hill at Samurai Summit, they’re still working on repainting the station!
It’s well on its way. Though I can’t say I like that the blue is also very present at the Samurai Summit now. May as well change your park name to Six Flags Blue Mountain 😛
Speaking of blue, here’s a shot of the completed repaint of the blue supports and white track in the round-up section before the slope approaching the loop!
The drop leading to the tunnel has also received some paint now. Though there’s still a lot to repaint, the footers have all received the blue primer, some footers are also receiving the final layer of paint currently!
More blue! The supports of the first hill following the first-drop have also received their paint jobs this week! Now all track and supports of this hill are repainted.
Artsy repainted support shot, CHECK!
The lift hill’s supports have also been painted entirely now, painting of the track however is not completed.
The new exit path is coming along nicely. They’ll be keeping the 2-way exit (back to the main plaza and the one leading up to Baja Ridge/ Mining Town.
The control panel section of the station is also being constructed from scratch, which they’re in the process of doing right now.
I also noticed a couple of very tall fences, same color as all handrails and fences in the area. I’m curious what they’re for. Will find out soon!
Work on the new ADA entrance continues, with preparation to put in the handrails.
And very cool to see are the new brakes! They definitely look different from the previous brakes. We’ll figure out what’s different about them shortly!
Here’s an overall look with the final helix right next to it.
Speaking of which, the park has (almost) completed the new fencing inside, which surrounds the electrical equipment.
Let’s move on to the highlight of the ride, one of the best loops around! Pay close attention to the blue light-strip attached to the outside of the loop. You may also notice that the blue paint is gone from the loop.
Seems like the park decided to scrap the blue, as it’s being painted white again. Though the blue highlights on the loop looked cool, the all white loop looks better and pays homage to the original Revolution.
The blue strip around the loop was recently added and will remain blue, the strip holds all the lights we’ll see at night. There’s expected to be more light effects, stay tuned for more info about that!
Let’s finish off with a quick overall look, in case you read the tour report, you’ll know that Tatsu will NOT be receiving a repaint.
Thank you for checking out this New Revolution update! Make sure to check out the TOUR REPORT from earlier this week… Oh, and I ventured through the Wizarding World of Harry Potter yesterday! Make sure to read the Exploring the Wizarding World of Harry Potter post!
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