Bobbejaanland kindly invited us to experience their newest scare maze Wrecked along with the rest of the park all decked out for the spooky season! A full review of one of Belgium’s best Halloween event!
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The first thing on our agenda was the event surrounding the brand new scare maze. The scare maze is located right next to Terra Magma, a ride which has been operating since 1991 but got re-themed this year to better fit modern standards. The ride was worth the visit before the re-theme and now I’d definitely say even more so! Brand new effects, although some scenes stand out more compared to others.

Now the brand new scare maze. Wrecked is themed to pirates, as you embark on a quest to retrieve treasure from a shipwreck. This while ignoring the rumors that undead pirates are still roaming their ship. By the end, you wind up not retrieving any treasure but you’re happy to be able to walk away with your life. This is definitely a high-quality scare maze, as the theming completely immerses you into the theme and there’s plenty of scares throughout. There’s even some use of effects like a water spray, which rarely gets used in scare mazes. One thing some guests might not enjoy is the fact that this really is an actual maze. There were multiple moments where I had absolutely no clue where to go next. To some people this may not be very much fun; I was even more frightened by the idea of being lost which is a plus since being frightened is the point of these scare mazes after all!

Upon exiting the new scare maze, Bobbejaanland told us some things about their Halloween while we were able to enjoy a nice lunch and drinks. After this, we could discover all this years additions. The park has a Horror Speedy Pass which provides entry into every scare maze around the park without having to wait for them!

Including Wrecked, the park features 7 scare mazes, which is the largest number of mazes in Belgium:
- Alice In Horrorland is an experience themed to – you guessed it – Alice In Wonderland but turned into a horror scenario.
- Monastery takes you on a tour of a haunted monastery, which is one of my favorite horror themes around.
- CORP. Pest Control is a testing facility for an evil corporation gone wrong.
- Texas Butcher guides you through a very gorey butcher’s shop.
- Yummy is a good old zombie invasion.
- Bazaar Bizarre, which is the more family-friendly maze the park has to offer but despite this fact certainly doesn’t disappoint.
Overall, every one of these mazes is worth doing in my opinion, with Wrecked, CORP. Pest Control and Monastery being my stand-out favorites.

The park also features 4 scare zones throughout the park. Whispering Waters extends the Wrecked theme with pirates roaming the shores of the lake in the center of the park. Plaza De Los Muertos features actor dressed up in the Mexican holiday’s theme interacting with guests. Circus Carnivalé has a bunch of actors performing all kinds of entertainment and stunts. Monkey Clan is home to some scary looking monkey creatures and also has parkour obstacles throughout the area on which professionals perform stunts. I’d say the scare mazes are the better offering for the halloween event since, apart from the monkeys in Monkey Clan, none of the actors are actively trying to scare guests, but the scare zones do make the walkways more lively which is also a nice addition to the park’s atmosphere.

Overall, Bobbejaanland has positively surprised me with their halloween offering, and since their newest scare maze is also my favorite, they keep growing in the right direction! Thanks again to Bobbejaanland for inviting us and providing us with a great day!