That the Six Flags chain as a whole is going thru plenty of changes currently isn’t news, but Six Flags Magic Mountain itself has plenty of work being done as well! Let’s track the progress on some of the big projects such as Tatsu‘s repaint, the remodeling of DC Universe, and the construction of Wonder Woman: Flight of Courage!
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It was Alex and I’s first time back in a few months and we just flew in for the day from Florida as we miss our old home park. Despite the park hours being shorter than in the past, even a 4.5 hour day with no crowds meant we rode everything we wanted to! We’ll get started with some general notes!

DC Universe is currently undergoing another serious remodel. The last remodel was about 11 years ago after Batman: The Ride got repainted blue and the area changed from Gotham City to DC Universe in anticipation of Green Lantern: First Flight. – The area is now undergoing another remodel to accommodate the new RMC Single Rail Coaster: Wonder Woman: Flight of Courage. The Flash (flatride) has been removed and is rumored to get relocated elsewhere in the park. In addition, the Wonder Woman: Lasso of Truth (flatride) is still standing but the Wonder Woman signage is being removed.

Let’s talk Wonder Woman: Flight of Courage! (Click here for all details, concepts, stats, etc.). As of right now, there’s not a whole lot of vertical construction to show, however it does look like most footers have been poured. The ride’s track and supports currently reside in an overflow parking lot, so vertical construction could start any time.

Next up, let’s talk about the beast from the far east: Tatsu. Not everyone is a big fan of the new color scheme but we think it’s a fantastic fit. It’s amazing seeing Tatsu in a new fresh coat of paint. Of course we’ve got plenty of pictures of the painting in progress:

Currently the repaint of the coaster is about a third done we’d say. The main elements completed are the horseshoe and first drop, the rest is coming together piece by piece. The Zero-G Roll, Corkscrew, and Pretzel Loop are getting most of their paint applied now. Below is another collection of pictures showcasing the repaint:

As we’re wrapping up the update, we wanted to give another shoutout to one of our favorite coasters: Riddler’s Revenge. The ride’s in great shape and running very well. We can’t go to Six Flags Magic Mountain and not ride!

Thank you for checking out this new Six Flags Magic Mountain update! For loads of other Six Flags Magic Mountain pictures and thoughts, visit our previous update! Check out the links below and we’ll see you on the next update!