While Alex had been before, it was my first time finally getting to Pittsburgh’s legacy theme park: Kennywood. Home to a strong collection of classic woodies and modern steel beasts, this had been on my bucket list for a while. Let’s check out what Kennywood has to offer and why you should plan a trip there soon!
Continue reading “Kennywood – 2021”Bites & Pints Food Festival at Kennywood
As the trend of food festivals at regional parks continues to swell, we found ourselves in the right place at the right time for a preview of Kennywood’s first annual Bites & Pints Food Festival!
Continue reading “Bites & Pints Food Festival at Kennywood”Twenty-Year Top 20: The Best Coasters of 2000
Following the launch of our Twenty-Year Top 20: The Best Coasters of 1999, we immediately decided to make it an annual thing – Here’s what we think are the 20 best coasters that turned 20 in 2020!
Continue reading “Twenty-Year Top 20: The Best Coasters of 2000”
Coaster Kings’ Pennsylvania Coasters TOP 10
Hello everyone! We hope you’re enjoying the penultimate month of 2020 to the best of your ability.
After the launch of our Ohio Coasters TOP 10 article in August, we teased a follow-up article where we similarly scrutinize the coasters of Pennsylvania to compose a similar list. Then we forgot about it. Then, in the wake of regional-park-off-season, we remembered again! So, without further ado, we bring you our Pennsylvania Coasters TOP 10:
Continue reading “Coaster Kings’ Pennsylvania Coasters TOP 10”
Lake Compounce
Alexander: Who’s ready for a visit to America’s oldest amusement park!? Lake Compounce in Bristol, Connecticut was kind enough to host us on our visit – their hospitality is something we’ll never forget! Continue reading “Lake Compounce”